Depending on car model, PCC has different thresholds for energy at destination that is considered safe enough to keep the speed chosen by the driver.
Over those thresholds, the #allyoucanGo mode is automatically enabled.
If you have “a lot” of estimated energy at destination, PCC automatically selects the fastest available strategy and the main screen will be all green.
No warning sound will play if the car crosses the reference line.
Driving under the reference line, we’ll have an energy consumption higher than what was forecasted, causing the energy at destination to reduce at every checkpoint.
This is no problem, since PCC is always monitoring the driving conditions, and as soon as the energy at destination drops under the safety margin, PCC will automatically switch to the classic green/red screen.
This is because driving faster we consumed the excess energy we had at the start, so to get to our destination safely, we’ll have to respect the strategy from now on.
If you want to arrive at your destination with the amount of energy forecasted at the start, you’ll need to respect the chosen strategy. Strategy is maintained by keeping the car wheels on the horizontal black line across the screen.
If you are in #allyoucanGo mode, you can go as fast as you like, because you have more than 8kWh at destination (I-Pace reference value is used here as an example). Keep driving fast and, as soon as the energy at destination drops below 4 kWh, the green/red guideline will appear.